Our beautiful, resort-like residence offers many amenities, but at the same time provides a lovely home in each apartment. The ambiance is reminiscent of an upscale retreat or spa with gourmet meals, a full exercise and wellness program, plush furniture, thriving plants and flowers, and bubbling fish tank.
Creating an Elder-Centered CommunityCedar Creek proudly follows a Human Habitat philosophy where life revolves
around close and continuing contact with nature, children and animals.

Each resident is pampered with warmth, comfort, love, and when wanted, a hug. Our 24-hour-a-day staff provides meals, activities, appointment reminders, along with scheduled transportation for doctor visits, shopping and social events. Our resident care staff will provide medication assistance and supervision. Planned activities are plentiful, fun and entertaining.

Located in the heart of Crystal River adjacent to a lovely city park, we are minutes away from many local attractions and activities. Across the street is King’s Bay on the beautiful Crystal River, renowned for the nation’s largest concentration of manatees, the rare and wonderful sea mammal.